Quilt Along with ME!
I realize that most quilters are pretty new to collage quilts, and I'd like to invite any and all to join me in my "Collage Quilt-Along with Emily" Facebook Group!...
Transfering an Image to your Foundation Panel
Creating your own collage quilt requires knowing how to transfer an image to your foundation panel! I explain how to do exactly that in this brief tutorial.
Fabric: Selecting and Organizing
How to organize and select fabric when making a collage quilt.
What Supplies Do I Need for Making a Collage Quilt?
So you want to get started on a collage quilt? What supplies are you going to need? This quick video will teach you everything you're going to need!
What is a Collage Quilt?
What is a Collage Quilt and how is it different than a traditional quilt? Learn exactly what defines a collage quilt and how to get started making one!
"Quailt" Tutorial
A step by step photo tutorial about making the "Quailt" Collage Quilt!
Simple Method for "Felicity" Collage Quilt
Step by Step instructions for creating the "Felicity" Collage Quilt.