Collage quilt-making has been such a wonderful exploration into creativity for me-- my only desire has been to figure out a way to make it faster so that I can create more!
As happens most times I get a good idea, I was awoken in the middle of the night with this solution for how to make the process easier and faster! Here, I share this process using my new "Felicity" pattern!
•Collage quilt panel
•Freezer paper
•1/4" foam core board covered in felt (this is your work surface)
•Fabric glue
•Fabric scissors- (I LOVE my 6" Karen Buckley scissors)
•FABRIC - the more the better
Prepare Your Work Space
•Acquire a large piece of 1/4" foam core from a craft store and cover it in felt
•If possible, set your foam core board on a drafting table (I purchased this one from World Market, and it has been perfect)
•Next to your work surface, have another table for fabric, glue, scissors (both paper scissors & fabric scissors)
Cut & Apply Fabric
1) Hang your collage quilt panel on a window and trace each section of the design onto freezer paper- this is now your template. Be certain that you are tracing on the paper side, not the shiny side of the freezer paper.
2) From your freezer paper template, cut out each section of the design and pin it to the coordinating area of the quilt panel
3) Work on one section of the quilt at a time. Select where you want to begin and cut the template for that section of the quilt into bite size pieces. I generally cut a section into pieces that are roughly 2"-3" in size and in random shapes. (To keep track of your pieces as you put them back in place, you may want to scribble a word across the template or number each piece of the template before you cut it up).
4) Take each piece of the template and iron it to the right side of the fabric you want in that section of the quilt. Use about 4-6 different fabrics per section.
5) Cut the fabric around each template piece, make sure the fabric is 1/8" larger than the template all around. Pin the fabric to the section of the quilt panel that corresponds to the template.
6) When all the pieces of fabric are pinned to a section of the quilt, starting at the edges of the section, remove freezer paper and glue the fabric to the base panel. Use just enough glue to secure the edges of the piece, and a dab in the center. Do not use an excessive amount of glue. The glue may bleed through the fabric-- that's alright, it will dry clear in several hours.
7) Continue with this method for each section of your quilt, until each gray area of the quilt has been covered by fabric. Ensure that all raw edges of the quilt are secured with glue.
8) Quilt and bind as desired!

Be sure to join the Collage Quilter Facebook Group to learn more about collage quilt-making and to be inspired by others!
~Emily Taylor